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Shipping and delivery

Do you offer free shipping?

Yes, all orders are shipped free of charge.

How long does the delivery take?

The delivery time is usually between 2 and 7 days from the time you place your order. Please note that the exact delivery time may depend on various factors such as product availability and your location address.

Do you offer express deliveries?

No, we do not currently offer express delivery.

Which shipping service providers are used?

We work with renowned shipping service providers worldwide to ensure reliable and fast delivery. Our partners include DHL, FedEx, Royal Mail, Blue Dart, ZTO Express and many more. Rely on our experienced shipping partners for the safe delivery of your orders.

How can I check the status of my delivery?

You can check the current status of your order at and in the live chat.

Orders and payment

How can I place an order?

Orders can only be placed via our website.

Which payment methods do you accept?

We accept major credit cards such as Visa, Mastercard, Maestro, American Express and UnionPay. We also offer payment options via Shop Pay, Apple Pay, Google Pay and Klarna invoice.

Is there a minimum order value?

No, there is no minimum order value.

Which currencies are accepted?

We accept the major currencies of the country. We want to ensure that our customers can pay conveniently and easily.

Is it also possible to order by telephone?

No, we only accept orders via our website.

Is there an order status tracker?

Yes, you can check the current order status at and in the live-chat.

Returns and exchanges

Can I exchange my order?

Exchanges will only be granted for defective or damaged items. If you would like to exchange an item for the same item, please send us an email to .

How does returning an item work?

You can request a return via . We will review your request and approve it if everything is OK. We will then send you a return slip. Once we receive the package from you, we will refund your payment. The costs for shipping and return shipping are at your expense.

Will I receive a refund for returned items?

Yes, you will receive a refund for the returned items, but please note that shipping and return shipping costs are not refundable.

What if I receive the wrong product?

If you received the wrong product, please contact us at and we will help you immediately.

Are there deadlines for returning items?

Our return policy applies for a period of 30 days. If it has been more than 30 days since your purchase, unfortunately we can no longer offer a refund or exchange.

Are returns free of charge?

No, please note that the return shipping costs must be borne by you.

How do I receive the return label?

The return label will be emailed to you after your return request is approved.

Product Information

What materials are used for the posters?

Our posters are made of matte premium paper with 200g/m² and come from sustainable forestry.

What sizes are available?

Our range includes various formats, including square, portrait and landscape posters in sizes 21x29.7 cm (8x12"), 30x40 cm (12x16"), 50x50 cm (20x20"), 50x70 cm (20x28") and 70x100 cm (28x40").

Does your online shop offer framed posters?

Yes, we offer framed posters in our online store. You have the option of selecting the frame together with the poster. Our frames are made of wood and are available in black, white, dark brown and light brown.

Customer service

How can I contact customer service?

All contact options can be found in the contact form .

How long does it take until I receive a response?

We aim to respond to your inquiry within 24 hours.

How can I leave feedback about my purchase?

You have several options for leaving feedback.

Offers and promotions

Do you offer discounts or special promotions?

Yes, we regularly offer discounts and special promotions. You can find information about our current offers on our website and our social media channels. You can also subscribe to our newsletter to stay informed about our latest promotions

Are there vouchers or gift cards?

Yes, we offer vouchers. You can access them here .

Is there a newsletter for exclusive offers?

Yes, we have a newsletter containing exclusive news and offers. You can sign up for our newsletter at the bottom (in the footer) to benefit from our exclusive offers.

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